Allocation System

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the token allocation system:

  1. Contribution Period: Participants send BTC contributions within predefined epochs, each lasting approximately 24 hours.

  2. Token Allocation: At the end of each epoch, a fixed supply of 3,000,000 tokens is proportionally allocated among epoch contributors according to their contribution sizes.

  3. No Fixed Price: The allocation system allows contributions of any amount. The number of tokens allocated to each contributor is determined by their share of the total BTC contributed during the epoch.

Proportional Allocation Model


The allocation of tokens to each contributor is calculated using the following formula:

Contributor’s Tokens=(Contributor’s BTC ContributionTotal BTC Contributed in Epoch)×Total Tokens Available for Epoch\text{Contributor's Tokens} = \left( \frac{\text{Contributor's BTC Contribution}}{\text{Total BTC Contributed in Epoch}} \right) \times \text{Total Tokens Available for Epoch}

Last updated