Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Q1: What is RF?

RF represents the RUNE token within the Bitcoin network, designed to support public projects and community governance. It aims to create a community-driven, transparent framework for funding efforts within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Q2: How can I participate in the RF project?

Participation involves sending BTC contributions to a designated multisig address during the token allocation phase. Detailed instructions and the official multisig address are available on the website.

Contribution Security

Q3: Can I see the transactions made by the multisig wallet?

Yes, transactions made by the multisig wallet can be viewed on the Bitcoin blockchain. This transparency ensures that contributors can track the movement of funds and verify the security and integrity of the project's financial management.

Q4: Is it possible to change the signers of the multisig wallet?

Yes, the multisig wallet configuration allows for the modification of signatories and signature threshold.

Last updated